Whistleblower System

Whistleblower System

We respect the interests of our employees, customers, suppliers, society, nature, as well as other stakeholders. Therefore, we regularly question our own actions within the framework of risk analyses and the assessment of significant impacts and influences.

If you have any indications that we are not meeting our standards, we ask you to inform us. We take all reports and suspicions very seriously and have them reviewed by an independent body in accordance with our Compliance Policy.

Our confidential reporting system is established as a secure, digital channel.

Through this company-wide, anonymous and free to use system, suspected cases against our Code of Conduct, applicable law, human rights, as well as environmental risks and violations can be reported.

You will be guided through an automated reporting process via this link

Report incident

Or by telephone

Mon. - Fri.: 09.00 - 17.00 
From Germany: +49 800 3800 999 
From abroad: +49 69 99998839

Processing of the Report: 
All reports are handled confidentially by the independent review body commissioned by the company. You can log into the reporting system at any time (with the 16-digit access code and the 4-digit PIN) to track the status of the processing or to answer any open questions. Please give the company 7 days to respond to the report.

Clarification of the Facts: 
First, the plausibility of the report is checked. If this is not possible due to incomplete information, the independent review body will attempt to contact you to request further information.

Resulting Measures: 
Regarding disciplinary proceedings, the severity of the incident determines the resulting measures to be taken. In the case of a minor incident, written warnings are provided for the respective incident. In the case of a serious incident, there is a risk of immediate termination. Depending on the severity of the incident, HH reserves the right to take further legal action.