Implant syringes for more safety

The Gaplast implant syringe offers protection and safety for patients. It is used, for example, in the treatment of oncological diseases.

Safer application

Implants containing active ingredients play a major role in the field of long-term medication. Due to the retarding release of the active ingredient, they can replace the daily intake of tablets or the administration of injections. 

However, the use of commercially available implant syringes can involve various problems. Sometimes, the implant is not pushed into the injection channel, but into the surrounding tissue; not rarely, administrations have to be repeated several times because the needle’s retraction causes the medication to shift or be pulled out a bit again. 

Gaplast aims to minimize these unpleasant side effects with a new type of implant syringe. A special mechanism pulls the cannula out of the patient’s tissue after the implant has been applied into the injection channel. 

Production of implant syringes

Harro Höfliger designs high-precision machines for the pre-assembly of devices and the insertion of implants. Not only the syringe body has to be kept intact, it must also be guaranteed that the syringe itself remains optically flawless.

During the assembly process, this requirement is met by supplying individually packaged implant syringes in trays and carefully inserting them into the feeding units using precise pick-and-place technology.

Numerous in‑process controls (IPCs) ensure consistently high functionality. Camera systems on the machines provide seamless monitoring of the filling and feeding process.

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